A sudoku solver that solves abitrary size grids using a simple backtracking algorithm.
Grid dimensions. The solver itself can handle a grid of any size, but currently this isn't exposed in the UI. As a result, dimensions are currently set as constants.
The grid is made up of groups which are rectangular, although the overall grid is always square.
TODO: move away from undefined to this for consistency (currently this only used in the frontend)
BLANK = ""
A random integer between min and max, inclusive.
randomInt = (min, max) ->
Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min)
The Sudoku model. The grid itself is a 2D array, so it can be
accessed with @grid[x][y]
. Previously there were @get
and @set
methods, but profiling suggested they were affecting
performance. Further benchmarking is needed, particulary after more
heuristics are added.
class SudokuGrid
Create an empty grid.
constructor: () ->
@grid = for x in [0...BOARDSIZE]
for y in [0...BOARDSIZE]
@legalValues = [1..BOARDSIZE]
Set this grid based on the text inputs in this selector
setFromSelector: (selector) ->
selector.each (index, element) =>
x = index % BOARDSIZE
y = Math.floor(index / BOARDSIZE)
value = $(element).val()
if value != ""
@grid[x][y] = parseInt(value, 10)
Set this table based on a string of characters specifying it
e.g. ".......12........3..23..4....18....5.6..7.8.......9.....85.....9...4.5..47...6..."
setFromString: (string) ->
for i in [0...string.length]
value = parseInt(string.charAt i, 10)
skip '.'
if value in @legalValues
y = Math.floor(i / BOARDSIZE)
@grid[x][y] = value
Get a string of the current grid values, in the same format as setFromString
getAsString: () ->
string = ""
for x in [0...BOARDSIZE]
for y in [0...BOARDSIZE]
string = string + (@grid[x][y] or ".")
clear: () ->
for i in [0...BOARDSIZE]
for j in [0...BOARDSIZE]
@grid[i][j] = undefined
Get row at height y
, where 0 is the top.
getRow: (y) ->
for i in [0...BOARDSIZE]
Get column which is x
across, where 0 is leftmost.
getColumn: (x) ->
Get the group which is x
groups across and y
groups down,
returning a 1-D array.
getGroup: (x, y) ->
group = []
for i in [x * GROUPWIDTH...(x+1) * GROUPWIDTH]
for j in [y * GROUPHEIGHT...(y+1) * GROUPHEIGHT]
Get an array of co-ordinates of all the blank squares. We
deliberately iterate over x
in the inner loop, as it produces
more attractive results when 'solving' an empty grid.
getEmptyPositions: () ->
emptyPositions = []
for y in [0...BOARDSIZE]
for x in [0...BOARDSIZE]
if @grid[x][y] == undefined
emptyPositions.push {x, y}
Does every position on this grid have a value?
isFull: () ->
for x in [0...BOARDSIZE]
for y in [0...BOARDSIZE]
if @grid[x][y] == undefined
return false
Get all the possible values that can go in this position, based on neighbours.
getPossibilities: (x, y) ->
possibilities = []
for value in @legalValues
groupX = Math.floor(x / GROUPWIDTH)
groupY = Math.floor(y / GROUPHEIGHT)
if value not in @getRow(y)
if value not in @getColumn(x)
if value not in @getGroup(groupX, groupY)
Check that a given array contains no duplicates (other than empty regions).
isRegionValid: (region) ->
seenSoFar = {}
for value in region
if value == undefined
if value of seenSoFar
return false
seenSoFar[value] = true
return true
Could this table be a valid solution, or part of one? We tolerate blanks.
Note that we only check for obvious errors in a row, column or group, so it is still possible for an invalid grid to return true here.
isValid: () ->
Check rows.
for i in [0...BOARDSIZE]
row = @getRow i
if not @isRegionValid row
return false
Check columns.
for j in [0...BOARDSIZE]
column = @getColumn j
if not @isRegionValid column
return false
Check groups.
for i in [0...GROUPWIDTH]
for j in [0...GROUPWIDTH]
group = @getGroup i, j
if not @isRegionValid group
return false
return true
ui =
Set the table in the DOM to be blank.
clearTable: () ->
blankTable = new SudokuGrid()
ui.setTable blankTable
Add an additional class to user-provided cells, so we can style them differently.
addUserValuesClass: () ->
the user's input is the non-empty cells
$("#sudoku td input[value!='']").addClass "user_value"
Undoes addUserValuesClass
removeUserValuesClass: () ->
$(".user_value").removeClass "user_value"
checkTableIsValid: () ->
currentTable = new SudokuGrid()
currentTable.setFromSelector $("#sudoku input")
if not currentTable.isValid()
getTable: () ->
grid = new SudokuGrid()
grid.setFromSelector $('#sudoku input')
setTable: (table) ->
go over every row
$("#sudoku tr").each (y, element) ->
then go over ever input in that row
$("input", $(element)).each (x, element) ->
set this input to the table value at this point
solver =
Given a sudoku grid, find the position with the fewest possibilities.
Note that an invalid grid has positions with no possibilities.
getMostContstrainedPosition: (grid) ->
mostConstrainedPosition = null
for {x: x, y: y} in grid.getEmptyPositions()
possibilitiesHere = grid.getPossibilities x, y
if possibilitiesHere.length == 0
We will never find a more constrained position, so terminate early.
return {x: x, y: y, possibilities: []}
If this position is more constrained, update mostConstrainedPosition.
if not mostConstrainedPosition or possibilitiesHere.length < mostConstrainedPosition.possibilities.length
mostConstrainedPosition = {x: x, y: y, possibilities: possibilitiesHere}
Given a sudoku grid, find a soution with a backtracking brute-force algorithm, starting with the most constrained positions.
findSolution: (grid) ->
if grid.isFull()
return {isSolution: true, table: grid}
{x: x, y: y, possibilities: possibilities} = solver.getMostContstrainedPosition grid
Try each of the possible values in this empty square until we find the correct one.
for possibility in possibilities
grid.grid[x][y] = possibility
result = solver.findSolution grid
if result.isSolution
Found a solution on this branch! hurrah!
return result
If we get here, this table is now unsolvable since there's a position with no possibilities. So we reset this square to blank for backtracking.
grid.grid[x][y] = undefined
return {isSolution: false, table: grid}
init = () ->
$('#solve').click ->
currentTable = ui.getTable()
startTime = new Date().getTime()
result = solver.findSolution currentTable
endTime = new Date().getTime()
console?.log "Solved in #{endTime - startTime} milliseconds."
if result.isSolution
solvedTable = result.table
ui.setTable solvedTable
$('#demo').click ->
grid = new SudokuGrid()
for i in [1..BOARDSIZE]
grid.grid[randomInt(0, BOARDSIZE - 1)][randomInt(0, BOARDSIZE - 1)] = i
$('#clear_table').click ->
$('#import_puzzle').click ->
puzzleString = prompt("Enter a puzzle string:")
table = new SudokuGrid()
$('#export_puzzle').click ->
alert ui.getTable().getAsString()
Monitor table for changes, and warn immediately if the grid is invalid.
$("#sudoku input").keyup ->
We attach our objects to the global object so it's easy to fiddle with things in the browser console.
window.ui = ui
window.solver = solver
window.SudokuGrid = SudokuGrid